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Exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials is a major workplace health concern for organizations and employees, particularly for those who respond to medical incidents. This workplace health course teaches how to identify bloodborne pathogens and how they are transmitted. Employees will know how to control exposure to bloodborne pathogens and the procedures to follow in the event of an exposure incident. They will also learn how to minimize the chances of contracting HIV, HCV, and HBV by using appropriate exposure controls such as Universal Precautions, PPE, and vaccines. The course teaches how to follow procedures in an exposure plan for clean up, disinfection, decontamination, and follow up.

Course Duration: 45 minutes

Audience: All employees who may be exposed to blood or other body fluids.



As an IACET Accredited Provider, Primex3 offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET standard.

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