Jun. 14, 2023

9:00am - 12:00pm

Primex Training Facility

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Over the last two decades law enforcement agencies and individual law enforcement officers in the United States have been the subject of intense public scrutiny. The litigious condition of American society has been a key factor in this scrutiny. The very nature of police work, i.e. use of force, high-speed driving and pursuits and arrest lends itself to complaints and lawsuits from those that law enforcement officer have contact with.  

Law enforcement officers must have a working knowledge of developing laws relating to police liability and discipline. Officers must be aware that they may be held accountable for decisions made by a court having jurisdiction over them. It is the developing law that guides police training, operations, individual conduct and operations. A failure to recognize the importance of this area of the law can lead to serious monetary consequences for individual police officers, supervisors, police executives and police agencies. In extreme cases, a failure to follow the rules set forth by the courts can result in criminal sanctions. 

This training is structured to assist officers and agencies in assessing their level of legal risk-exposure by examining court decisions that have interpreted acceptable standards of conduct by officers. 

Overview of Legal Developments: 

  • How Police Procedures are Changing, Body Cameras, Cell Phones, Social Media. 
  • Why Are We Getting Sued? 
  • How Use of Force Changed and Nothing has Changed? 
  • Social Media Do’s, Don’ts and the Impact. 
  • Supervisor Liability 
  • Qualified Immunity 
  • Emerging Legal Trends: What is the Supreme Court saying? Has the court decisions changed what we do? How does policy and training have to change?
  • jack ryan

    Jack Ryan

    Jack Ryan is an Attorney in Rhode Island, a graduate Juris Doctorate, Cum Laude Suffolk University Law School and has 20 years of law enforcement experience as a police officer with the Providence Police Department, Providence, Rhode Island. 

    Jack’s law degree and experience as a police officer gives him the unique perspective of public safety legal and liability issues. Jack is a former adjunct faculty member at Salve Regina University and lectures frequently throughout the United States. He has authored several legal publications, including the LLRMI Best Selling “Legal Guide for Law Enforcement Officers and Supervisors” – an annually updated quick reference guide to U.S. Supreme Court case law impacting law enforcement policies and procedures. Jack has authored “Law Enforcement Best Practices” 6th Edition, “Jail and Best Practices” and Emerging Legal Trends for SWAT, Tactical and Emergency Response Operations.” Jack has written policies and procedures that have been adopted by over 1,000 law enforcement and corrections agencies across the United States.



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